Valentine’s day it’s a day to celebrate LOVE, isn’t it? It’s a good excuse for us busy mums to dress up and go out for a much-needed, long overdue, date night.
but it doesn’t have to be a celebration of romantic love, it could be any love in all shapes and forms.
You feel the pressure to exchange gifts, but what can you possibly get?
It’s no secret that I think a photobook is a perfect gift for any occasion, and I believe valentine’s day is no different. A photobook can be a great way to celebrate love in your family.
If you decided to go for a Valentine’s photoook, then let me help you plan it.
The first step in planning a photobook we already established. The theme of the photobook is valentine’s day.
Even though it’s valentine’s day and we celebrate love, the photobook is not necessarily a gift from you to him or vice versa. It’s more about your relationship and love as a couple, it’s a gift for both of you.
I suggest starting looking for pictures and collecting them around 6 weeks before the big day. But you can manage with any time frame you’ve got. Make separate folders on your computer/laptop or an album on your phone, dedicated to pictures you want to include in the photobook.
Now, the million-dollar question is: which pictures to include?
There are several ways you can tell your love story in your photobook.
Your journey as a couple.
You can start the photobook with photos from when you were kids. Then your memories as a young couple throughout holidays, trips, adventures. Move on to your wedding, honeymoon, and pictures of you with the children. The majority of the pictures will be of you both. You can also include, cards you gave to each other, poems, love letters, tickets to shows, and any other keepsake you’ve got. you can scan them or just take a picture of them with your phone.
Your family.
The product of your love – the children. In this case, you can start with a few pictures of you from your wedding and honeymoon, and then, the rest of the photobook will be about the children. You can dedicate a few pages for each child or arrange the photo by date, showing them growing up over the years.
Key events.
Go over the timeline from when you met until the present day, pick and choose a few photos from each milestone. Wedding, Honeymoon, Holiday, child was born, child starting school child number 2 and so on.
Then, you need to think about the features of the photobook. Do you prefer a square size or a rectangle? What would you like on the cover, an image? some kind of material? There are plenty of options depending on the app or website you are using to print the photobook.
once you gathered all the photos and information, made all the decisions, you need to fill in the pages with your photos. I am most definitely not suggesting this part is quick or easy, but when you have everything ready, it does make it easier.
The most important thing is to enjoy it! Enjoy looking through the photobook with your partner and children when it arrives. And also enjoy the process of looking for pictures, and bringing up memories.
Happy valentine’ day!
If you want to create a photobook, click here to download my FREE guide on how to plan for a photobook. This guide goes over these steps in more detail and structure.